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Lecture on Teacher-Student Relationship in Buddhism


What will you learn at the lecture?

Gautama Siddhartha began his journey to find the truth more than 2500 years ago as a way to bring liberation from suffering to all beings. Today he is known as Buddha - the Awakened One, and his teachings are still practiced by half a billion people across the planet. In the Czech Republic, Tibetan Buddhism has gained great popularity thanks to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. However, the relationship between teacher and pupil is a very controversial topic that is difficult to grasp in the West. The Venerable Sabchu Rinpoche explains how to check the authenticity of the teacher, how the teacher checks the student and how to avoid cultural faux pas.

About Sabchu Rinpoche:

Venerable Sabchu Rinpoche is a Tibetan Buddhist teacher born in Nepal. He was recognized by the 14th Shamar Rinpoche. He moved to Swayambhu Monastery at an early age, where he began studying the Tibetan language and the basic practices of the KarmaKamtsang lineage, and has received many empowerments, readings transmissions, and instructions from both the great masters of the Kagyu lineage and many other qualified meditation masters to date.

He spent one year practicing Chöd in Pharping. And at the age of eighteen, he began a three-year retreat there under the guidance of Maniwa Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche. He then began to travel and teach in Europe and North America. He subsequently completed his Bachelor's degree in Film and Media Production in Canada.

Rinpoche now divides his time between personal meditation retreats and teaching in Asia and Europe. He also currently oversees the Karma Kagyu Monastery in Swayambhu.

For more information, please visit

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Admission to this event is purely voluntary.

Lecture in English with Czech translation.

Where: Mokrovraty - multifunctional hall

When: 15 September Time: 14:30



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